(for quick help type "help" in chat window after you sit in the boat)

Thank you for your interest in Mora Yacht, i try to make it the more realistic posible. It is a fun and easy yacht to drive!

This vehicle is made to work in water only, please don't try to use it in land.

To beggin Rezz your Yacht on watter. 


For SAILING, Just SIT on the boat and type in global chat "start", that will turn on the engine, after couple seconds (engine verification) you will get a message  "Navigation Ready...Waiting Commands" That means the yacht is waiting your instructions you can type Commands or use the keys to navigate

        USE KEYS To...:
        Left - Turn left\n";
        Right - Turn right\n";
        Up - Speed Up\n";
        Down - Speed Down\n";
        PgDwn - horn\n";

you can type "help" any time in the global chat for the list of commands.


This will turn on the boat engine after typing this you will read the following message "LESYS - Navigation Starting...", and if everything is ok "LESYS - Navigation Ready...Waiting Commands"

Left - Turn left
Right - Turn right
Up - Speed Up ( throttle UP )
Down - Speed Down ( throttle Down )
PgDwn - horn

This will turn off the boat engine (if your boat is moving also will make a full stop) the following message "LESYS - "Navigation Stopping..." &  "LESYS - Navigation Stopped..." will display to confirm that the engine is turn off.

List all the command in chat mode.

If the engine is on this show small information hud on the back of the boat is perfect when your drive in and you are zooming out with your camera, this hud show compass, speed, current throttle and current deep, fuel % and battery %.

This will play the horn sound.

The "owner only drive mode" protect your boat when you rezz and you don't want to anyone be able to use it, only the owner of the boat can sit and drive (after the owner sit, extra passengers are also able to sit unless you change the settings on the menu, explained later)

The "group only drive mode" allow users from the same group as the boat to be able to sit and drive. To set Group mode when rezz in description type dm=1 to group mode.

The "anyone only drive mode" allow any users to be able to sit and drive. To set Anyone mode when rezz in description type dm=3 to anyone mode.

By default maxspeed is set to 30, if you like the boat to drive slower change this setting to 20 or 10 is very smooth drive, if you are into speed, change this command to 40 or 50 but be aware at this speed your turns to left or right will be little hard so make sure to change the setturn2 or setturn3.

How slow or fast you like your turns, when turn left or right, setturn1 is the lower and 3 is the faster.

Fill up the fuel thank, this feature work if the fuel system is enabled on the boat, by default the fuel system is enabled and each time the boat is rezz it, has a full tank, 1 full tank can last about 1 hour in 30 mins, if you drive full speed the fuel consumption will be faster, to disable or enable The Fuel System type in description fm=0 to disable or fm=1 to enabled. If you use the menu and the animation Refuel, make sure to read "LESYS Refueling complete" before move to another position.
When the boat ran out of fuel, the boat will stop.

Show or hide all the fenders, you also can hide fenders by click it one by one, this a cool feature if you only one to have 4 fenders and 2 fenders hide it.

Turn on and off the all the lights in the boat. including Navigation Lights, Exterior Lamp, Deck Lights, Cabin Lights. (You can also turn individual lights using the buttons in the control panel)

Turn on and off the navigation lights (You can also turn it on using the buttons in the control panel)

give controls 
Give control to a passenger member to drive the boat, the owner have to say this before the passenger say "request controls".

request controls 
For passenger member take control of the boat, the owner first has to say "give controls" in order to the passenger request controls

take controls 
Owner takes back the control of the boat from the passenger.

In case you lose control , menu or camera view when sim crossing use this command to quick fix


This boat is AVsitter ready, is a great tool for setting positions and because the boat is MOD you can make changes and adjust the positions or add new animations.

ADJUST / POSE lets you adjust the positions for any animation.
ADJUST / SECURITY lets you set who can sit or use the menus, can be owner, anyone or group.

When using the menu try to use SWAP to sit on different positions, the perfect example will be the fishing animation, each passenger has different location of the boat.
For Naughties animations in the Master Room use Captain/passenger1 menu Couples/Lower Deck/Naughties
For Naughties animations in Upper Room use passenger2/passenger3 menu Couples/Upper Deck/Naughties








Switchs on walls

In this Yacht you have 5 TVs,

  • 1 is in Upper Deck
  • 1 Main Deck
  • 1 in Movie Theatre
  • 1 Master Room
  • 1 in Console (click the TV title in console screen to on/off) 

To turn on the TV just click the right switch on the room, you will get a Message "TV Initialized" (NOTE: media player in your client has to be enabled to use TVS). When is ON you can browse any website and play videos, games or movies!
To turn off the TV click again the right switch on the room, you will get a Message "TV Off".

You can control two levels of lighting one Upper Deck, Main Deck, Movie Theatre, Kitchen and Master Room, use the left switch on the walls

Window Tins
You can control how black the window is for privacy, the top switch control the inside tint and the bottom switch control the outside, every time you click on incress the color black to 25%.

Add in Description this :

Security Mode
sm=0 (Owner only), sm=1 (anyone),sm=3 (Group Only)

Fuel Managment
fm=0 (Disabled), fm=1 (Enabled)

Battery Managment 
bm=0 (Disabled), bm=1 (Enabled)

Chat mode Managment
tm=0 (Say), tm=1 (Whisper), tm=2 (RegionOwner)




This are some recommendations to have a better experience when drive the boat.

  • Don't stand up from your boat if you are not on your land, use the menu to move around the boat
  • Avoid using HUDS like AO, Swimming etc.
  • Low complexity avatar is recommender.
  • When crossing a sim avoid cross the corners
  • Lower speed always recommended for sim crossing